This is one that is not currently available in the U.S. and Europe.Why?Well that's because it was actually my best!Personally I'm not sure I want a cigarette lighter as a part of my phone, but at the same time seems like a really cool.
Maybe this looks like a normal match, but the "match" can be issued a unique red light when activated. This wear can make people around you astonished.
I'm not sure if a lighter that makes you hungry is the best idea in the world but this one definitely made me smile. I also like the fact that he looks like a normal keychain so you can really surprised when you suddenly people were using it as a lighter.While you may have to worry about where you left it because someone might want to take a bite it.
Rubber Ducky makes bathing so much fun! Well this is just fun in the tub if you want to smoke in the bathtub. What bothers me about this lighter is that it is too sweet to be lighter and I could see some little kids want to play with it and get a nasty surprise. But if you are looking for lighters that are only slightly different and exciting, then this is definitely a lighter for you. Although not expect to look too macho when using it: lol
I'm not sure what attracts them or the reasons behind this lamp. I admit it is a little unique and funny enough to be seen. But I can not imagine anyone seriously put this to any kind of realistic usage. Can you imagine getting ready to light a cigarette and you remove the miniature lights and then pull the chain and light your cigarette?Even if your friends laugh out loud, in their hearts want.
It really makes me laugh and at the same time makes me think that only certain types of people will actually use these lighters. Although lighter look this is not good, but really unique & Communicate! but do not expect people to view you as a classy if you withdraw it from your pocket.
This camera does not actually take a picture but it turns on. for something new, it has a surprising amount of detail. Once again I'm not sure that these lighters will come into practical use, but no one ever expects novelty lighters for routine use.This one though, would be great for photographers because it shows how dedicated they are to their craft, they can not even light a cigarette without a camera in their hands.
NB: jgn isengin pake ginian friend, practically a miniature camera, can make hair fall out your friend: lol
Now I know that toilet humor is really appealing to many people, but I should think that this one goes a little too far. After all who can actually say that they like the idea of a toilet? Not to mention the idea of fire coming out of the toilet should be enough to give anyone nightmares. But I will say that this is one of the lighters that will turn heads and may even cause some people to have a potty mouth.
If you want to be a little old-fashioned this may be the lighter for you. Rotary-style long after the phone is very unique and lightweight you might have trouble figuring out how. I also wonder how easy to use because it does not seem all that simple.
Fire Extinguisher
Now, instead of putting out fires, firefighters are creating them. Which honestly I think way more cool and a lot more fun. Although it is not effective if you are trying to extinguish the fire. Miniature fire extinguishers is a unique and easy to use. Really makes me smile every time I see it.
10 cigarette lighters in the world's most unique
Cigarettes and cigarette lighters have become part of American culture and the world for decades. So you can understand that something big will be unique to this community & strange. These lighters can not you see every day and they will definitely make you think.
Rubber Ducky
Middle finger