
10 Acts of Video Game Deaths Due stupidest

10. Lee Seung Seop Killed by Starcraft (2005)
blog-apa-aja.blogspot.comStarcraft is an online multiplayer game where you give orders to the legions of warriors and plunge into the battle with forces of other warriors who are controlled by others. It was so popular that professional gamers (yes, they really exist) could generate $ 100,000 per year to play this game. This game is highly addictive and, when a person identified only as 'Lee' to death, authorities said it was because of 'heart failure stemming from exhaustion.' 
9. A 18-year-Killed by an Arcade
blog-apa-aja.blogspot.comPeter Burkowski is a student 'A' (bright) 18-year-old who stopped playing Arcade Saturday at 8:30 PM. He scored a high score on the Berzerk machine, leave it to see another game, immediately after getting a place, collapsed from a heart attack. Autopsies revealed a tear in the muscle tissue, which effectively makes Peter a 'ticking time bomb' which was started by a video game that resulted in increased blood pressure and heart rate dramatically. 
8. Vengeance Killing for Virtual Sword
blog-apa-aja.blogspot.comQiu Dragon Sabrenya Chingwei lend in the online game 'Legend' to his friend Zhu Caoyuan.Zhu is a lucky bastard who then sold the sword for $ 675. Chingwei, one more asshole but less fortunate, stabbed his friend with a real knife, kill Zhu. Chingwei currently serving a life sentence could be reduced to 15 years if well behaved. 
7. Suicide gara2 Everquest
blog-apa-aja.blogspot.comThis story is still being debated, but the fact is Shawn Wolley 21-year-old play for hours online game Everquest before shooting himself to death in front of his computer. His mother found him with a message related to games that were scattered in his room, but none have become tidk certain evidence of his motivation.

6. Children 13 years old committed suicide because of World of Warcraft
blog-apa-aja.blogspot.comXiao Yi was 13 when he jumped from the 24-story building. The message he left for his parents written from the viewpoint of the character he played. Furthermore, the content of the message explains Xiao Yi desire to meet three friends to the game in the afterlife. His parents never asked him about his addiction. Xiao Yi replied that he 'has been poisoned by games and could no longer control himself'. 
5. Children 13 years for killing woman Subscription Money
blog-apa-aja.blogspot.comIn 2007, a 13-year boy named Dinh The, and killed a 81-year woman and stole her money to fund the ketagihannya to online games. Vietnam police reported that bind And the grandmother with the mines, and buried in a pile of sand in front of his house. Due to his age, he was not sent to prison, but to re-education camp where he would be freed if well behaved. 
4. Man kills toddler due to faulty Xbox
blog-apa-aja.blogspot.comTyrone Spellman, 27, played a long time with Xboxnya. When the 17-month-old daughter pulled a few wires, and reversing Xboxnya to the ground, so damaged, Tyrone became really angry. Tyrone hit her with the strength of the 'crack skulls several times' autopsy also revealed a broken arm is not known by social workers two weeks earlier. 
3. Daniel Petric killed his mother because of Halo 3
blog-apa-aja.blogspot.comAfter her mother and father took him tapes of Halo 3, Daniel Petric who was 17 years old to open the safe where the tape is located. In the safe there is also a 9mm pistol. He then took the game with his pistol and then to the room where his parents are, ask them to close their eyes because Daniel had a surprise for them, then shot her mother and father's head.The father survived with critical injuries, but his mother died instantly. 
2. Toddler beaten to death by a game controller
blog-apa-aja.blogspot.comDarisabel Baez, the daughter of 2 years from Neida E. Baez (19 years), was beaten to death with a game controller by Neida boyfriend, Harve L. Johnson, April 2008. Surprisingly, the child was taken to his mother was unconscious and soaking wet because the boyfriend trying to make it conscious in the bathroom. The boyfriend refused to explain his motives to the police.

1. Police killings inspired by GTA
blog-apa-aja.blogspot.comThere is little doubt of the behavior of Devin Moore who kill police officers and stealing a police cruiser when he was doing was inspired by ultrakeras game series Grand Theft Auto.Moore took the weapon from an officer, shot three other officers, and fled from the police station in a police cruiser. Moore obsessed with GTA video game series and, after being arrested he told police 'Living like a video game. Sometime you have to die '

10 cars most unique in the World

Cars are sometimes made ​​not only as an ordinary means of transportation but also as a vehicle that is not unusual either function mapun technology. This strange cars in addition to economical and environmentally friendly concept,also used for usability-usability to such extremes to offroad conditions or just a thrill just to find that entry in the list of world records. 

1.Mobil Terceper Powerful Jet In The World
unique cars
This crazy flat car will be entered the Guinness Book as the best vehicle aka flat flat world.How flat? This car is only 19 inches tall. Edannya, the creator Perry Watkins jet turbine engines installed in the ass car. Whether the car is legal or not worn on the streets.

2.Colim: Caravans are Copotable
unique cars
The vehicle is designed by Christian Susana is the result of crossbreeding a car and caravan for camping. The front can be stripped-off, if it were not for camping, dam into a passenger car with two seats. Perhaps the strange appearance, but its flexibility is outstanding.

World's Longest 3.Limusin
unique cars
This limo total length of 30 meters. Got 26 tires, lots of room for passengers, heatedJacuzzi, sun bathing deck, a few beds and a helipad ...!

5.Peel 50: World's Smallest Car
unique cars
This three-wheeled car memcahkan record as the world's smallest car to be produced and ready to weave in a traffic jam on the streets of Britain.

6. Evolution: Mobil Super Ekononomis
unique cars
Different from economy cars in general, the concept is not like hybird car, but the weight just 450 kg. Its speed reaches 160 km / h with a 2-cylinder turbo diesel engine. The door is unique because it is not located on the sides but uses a wing at the front door.

7. Eclectic: energy-autonomous vehicle in the First World?
unique cars
This car is equipped with solar panels and windmills as an energy source and also a re-plug to charge electrical power because solar panels and windmill only able to bring this car as far as 14 miles and the power of electricity will continue his journey. It costs about U.S. $ 31,500 dollars, according to a press release Venturi.

8. Thrust SSC: Speeding Up to 750 Miles per Hour
unique cars
Thrust SSC (Super Sonic Car) is powered by two Rolls-Royce turbojet engine 205. Workers who sprayed the equivalent of 145 cars Formula One (F1). It weighs 10 tons and had recorded a maximum speed of 766 miles per hour at the Black Rock Desert, Nevada, USAin October 1997.

9.Peugeot Capsule: Small Car for Self Running
unique cars
Designers envision Alp Germaner vehicle to escape, but not to be used to escape into space like the concept in fiction films, but will take you to off-road terrain. Peugot Capsule inspired from Exit 650 motor is moving with electric power. Complete with GPS, LCDscreen that also functions as a rear mirror, internet connectivity, and enough trunk space for a weekend with him.

10. Mattrack Trucks: Car Skiing
unique cars
This truck is actually an ordinary truck wheels were replaced with mattrack belts. The manufacturers - Mattrack - seems capable of making this kind jendaraan of all 4 × 4 vehicles - from ATVs to trucks weighing 20 tons. Belts which makes truck Mattrack short walk almost anywhere except on snow yag too thick or deep. In deep snow, belts longer needed. Short belt can also be used when crossing glaciers (river snow) are short, whereas for the glaciers that used a belt width of the long

10 Unique Traditional Weapons

Throughout civilization, war never escape from history. And, no war means no weapons to defeat your opponent. What is commonly known may be arrows, spears, knives and type. Well, uniquely, there are also weapons that were created with a strange form of nan. Some of them are: 

1. Katar
India is a nation Katar weapon that makes the wearer has claws like Wolverine (remember one of the characters in the movie X-Men). At first glance, Katar like a single blade. But has a button that when activated will divide the blade into three parts. 
2. Zhua 
If this one comes from China, such as Katar similar but different shapes. Functions such as claws that can cut and remove the meat from the body. Zhua more often used to destroy enemy armor. 
3. Flying Fire 
Flying fire called Nest of Bees, originally from China. Shaped like a tube containing hexagonal wooden reeds as arrows. Unlike the usual arrows, with a flying fire, the rate of arrows faster and stronger. Remarkably, it could well launch 32 arrows at once. 
4. Chu Ko Nu 
Still from China, with arrows like this certainly superior to either of the power, range and speed. Last used when the Sino-Japanese War 1894-1895. 
5. Chakram 
Chakram-based metal is used extensively by high-ranking Indian Sikhs. Unlike the frisbee, Chakram thrown vertically. With a very sharp edges can cut your arm or leg with ease. 
6. Scissor 
Definitely not ordinary scissors, because scissors this one worn by the gladiators of ancient Rome. Notice the picture, there is a long tube of metal charged to cover the gladiators their hands, and the semicircular top is very sharp. 
7. Macuahuitl 
Weapons of this one the Aztecs used to capture the enemy or the victim alive. Shaped like a sword with a very sharp razor. There are jagged-sharp serrations which can tear the skin. 
8. Kpinga 
Azande tribe of Nubia, Africa has the traditional weapon called kpinga. Its use as a throwing knife, about 22 inches in length and has three blades. Blade-like male genitalia as a symbol of masculine power of the owner. When the gun owner is married, usually kpinga offered as a gift to his wife's family. 
9. Hook Swords 
Shaolin monks have weapons in North China is very beautiful, artistic, yet deadly. The length of this sword is approximately 4 to 6 feet. 
10. Mere Club 
Maori tribes in New Zealand using this weapon is made ​​from nephrite jade, to stab his opponent. Mere Club is classified as a weapon that has a high spiritual values. Mere Each Club has its own name for generations. In fact, they believe there are spiritual forces in them.

source : http://www.apakabardunia.com/2012/01/10-senjata-tradisional-unik.html

5 Extraordinary People The "Extraordinary"

1. Helen Keller 
Disadvantages: Blind and Deaf 
Adamns Helen Keller is an author, political activist and teacher from America. He is a = also the first deaf blind person who successfully completed the college of art, thanks to his teacher, 
Annie Sullivan taught Helen how to successfully communicate without language. She taught Helen to communicate by spelling out the letters in his hand, starting from the letters for doll DOLL provided by Sullivan to Helen on his birthday. Helen also participated actively campaigned for the right of women to vote in elections, labor rights, and socialism. In 1920, he helped establish the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Keller has met all the American president since Grover Cleveland to Lyndon B. Johnson. He is also a good friend of some famous figures including Alexander Graham Bell, Charlie Chaplin, and Mark TWA 

2. Stephen Hawking 
Disadvantages: Motor Neuron Disease 
Stephen William Hawking is a renowned British physicist. The books and public appearances have made ​​it an academic celebrity. in 2009 he also received a presidential medal of freedom, the highest civilian award in the USA. While still studying in Cambridge, Stephen Hawking had fallen from a ladder that would make it suffer from motor neurone disease that left him paralyzed. He is more afraid of losing his genius, so he checked his intellectual advance through Mensa test. The diagnosis of nervous disease known as age reaches 21 years, where he began to lose control over his hands and feet, until finally he was completely paralyzed in 2009. 

3. Jean-Dominique Bauby 
Disadvantages: Locked - In Syndrome 
Jean - Do is an editor, writer and journalist famous of French ELLE magazine. In 1995, he suffered a heart attack is very severe and result he fell into a coma for 20 days. After awakening from a coma, he finds himself suffering from an extremely rare neurological syndrome called Locked In Syndrome. This syndrome makes the patient is paralyzed from head to toe, but still have a conscious mind. In this case, Jean-Do can blink his eyes fixed 
Ignoring the circumstances, Jean-Do still able to write a bukua titled Diving Bell and the Butterfly by blinking his eyes when the writer who helped appoint the correct letters. Jean-Do had to edit and write the book they will be entirely in his head, letter by letter. Jean-Do died 2 days later after the book they will be in the release. 

4. John Nash 
Disadvantages: Schizophrenia (a chronic brain disorder, severe and make it not work)

John Forbes Nash was an American mathematical scientist. In his childhood, he was very interested in science, so try a variety of small experiments in his bedroom. He then studied chemistry and mathematics Indusri at Carnegie Mellon University. In 1959, he began to show strange behavior resembling paranoia. He believed that there are organizations that are after him. Then he was put into a mental home where she was diagnosed suffering from schizophrenia. The works and contributions received many awards, including several elite awards in the form of John von Neumann Theory Prize in the year 1978 and the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1994. An Academy Award film, entitled "A Beautiful Mind" starring Russell Crowe with a story based on the biography. 

5. Christy Brown 
Disadvantages = Cerebral Palsy 
Christy Brown was an author, painter, and poet from Ireland who suffer from Cerebral Palsy, which made ​​him unable to move and speak normally. The doctors also stated that he also has mental retardation. But his mother still tries to talk to him, taught him many things.One day he grabbed a piece of chalk from his sister's hand with his left foot and make a mark with chalk. 
Until the age of 5 years could only move his left leg corresponding keinginnannya. He uses these legs to communicate, which later he made ​​the title of his autobiography, "My Left Foot".

source : http://haxims.blogspot.com/2012/01/5-orang-luar-biasa-yang-luar-biasa.html

5 Amazing Animals Radiating Light to Yourself

Fauna of the world is a world that continues to be extracted by the scientists found, and studied for the purpose of Sciences, of the many world fauna that have been successfully studied some properties last diataranya 
extraordinary life. Amazing Animals such as 5 to Radiating Light Alone below. 

1. Firefly 
There are over 2,000 species of fireflies, which is actually a winged beetle. The mechanism of luminous fireflies usually show some information such as their lifetime. Fireflies glow even when they are still a small larvae. Blink their pallor, light lime acts as a warning to predators. 

2. Jellyfish Combs 
Comb jellies (ctenophores) is a gentle creature similar to jellyfish and sea anemones. They generally feed on microscopic plants and tiny marine animals. Some capture prey using tentacles (resembling organ proboscis) are sticky and can move in water like a rope tackle.In addition, nearly all comb jellies have special light-producing cells in their bodies along the pleated back. 

3. Worms Bomb 
The new worm species found in the depths of the sea is unique because his body can manifest light. Scientists said the worm could issue a rare "natural bomb" of the luminescence light in body. Because of its unique ability to get the worm's scientific name Swima bombiviridis. Karen Osborn and his team from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, reported finding seven new species of worm in the scientific journal Science. 

4. Anglerfish 
Anglerfish is a unique fish. His appearance at a glance creepy because her body is round & has a wide mouth yg & long curved fangs. Another characteristic is the angler fish light organ on the kind of "fishing line" at the top of the muzzle. Another type of angler fish, for example Thaumaticthys pagidostomus, has light organs under his teeth. Angler fish have no swim bladder (due to the depth of the swim bladder or lung humans) will be destroyed by the pressure under the sea, so fish that spend their entire lives at sea in & never rises to the surface. 

5. Krill 
Krill are crustaceans like shrimp that can be found in all oceans of the world. They are eaten by many animals, including birds, whales, squid and whale sharks. They are usually found in large groups, with more than 10,000 krill per cubic meter. The advantages of this krill that they can emit light from their bodies to scare predators.

10 Extraordinary People Have No Arm

1. Sleeveless biker 
Liu, 27 years, when he was 10 years old, his parents took him to the circus to train skills, and since then he practiced riding a motorcycle without arms. Liu admitted that he had been riding motorcycles for 10 years without a license. He said that the circus where he had practiced was closed three years ago, and since then, he and two of his friends from the circus to attractions in the streets. 
Once the police stopped him while driving on the road because of the excess charge, the police were shocked to see that the rider does not have arms. Eventually the police will not be fined because Liu had no money and only given a stern warning. Liu also promised not to ride a motorcycle again. 
2. Archers sleeveless 
Mark Stutzman has no arms since birth, he was adopted by a family with seven members of the family. Defects that had not made ​​him give up, he did it all with his feet, ranging from eating, writing, driving, and pressed the phone buttons smoothly even faster than normal people in general. 
He began serious training expertise in the field of arrows from the age of 16 years. In the tournament, he went to play against other normal archers, and always the center of attention. He shoots with a sitting position on the seat by holding the bow with his right foot.He usually always get a pretty good score, and he said he would join the 2012 Olympic team. 
3. The player piano sleeveless 
Liu Wei made ​​her debut as a show, he played a sad song titled "Mariage D'amour" by Richard Clayderman. The audience was amazed by her appearance made, but most make people amazed is that he played not by hand, but with the toes. 
On 10 October 2010, he came out as winners in China's Got Talent show, and he also got the tour to Las Vegas for 3 weeks. Liu Wei lost both his arms a few years ago when he was electrocuted while playing hide and seek. He said that playing the piano with his feet at first difficult, to the extent that his feet hurt and cramp. But over time, eventually he could master it. He also once said to the jury at his first appearance, "There is no rule that playing the piano must use the hand". And if anything, now officially been changed by Liu Wei. 
4. Calligrapher street sleeveless 
A man no arms of the province of Shandong was writing inspirational words in the form of Chinese calligraphy for Foxconn employees to give them advice not to do stupid things, like jumping from a building or suicide. Because since 2010, there was at least 10 cases of suicide committed by Foxconn employees. The words read, "To our brothers and sisters at Foxconn, life is precious, we must perform the task, there is always a way out, harmony depends on yourself". This man's actions to the attention of Foxconn employees who are passing through it, and many of those who support and appreciate the man. 
First he was a cook in Beijing, but an explosion of gas makes it have to do some intensive treatment until her arms were forced to have surgery. To fill his days, he studied hard to be able to write calligraphy with his foot. The action was not only able to motivate people across the country, but also able to pay off expensive medical bills from the results of these works. 
5. Sleeveless wrestler 
Kayle Mayner not just an ordinary wrestler, but he was also a top wrestler in his school and also includes intelligent student in his class. Kyle was born without elbows and knees because of congenital birth defects, and he became an inspiration to all who have the challenge. Kyle now works as a speaker at the Washington Bureau, a specialist to give motivational speeches. 
6. Sleeveless golf players 
Tommy was born in 1893 in Buffalo, New York, the eldest of five siblings. His arms were amputated because of a train accident in 1902. He wrote with a pencil held in his mouth. He was senior class president, spent a college for 3 years and married in 1919, and now has 4 children and 16 grandchildren. 
Formerly he was a caddy at a golf club, while learning golf by using a neck and shoulder.Over time he became proficient and able to win at tournament caddies. After finishing college, the support of his brother who is also a professional golfer, he started his career in New York City. The tricks of play made ​​it popular throughout the country, including the Regulations and Australia. McAuliffe Tommy finally got the title as "World Champion Players Golf sleeveless". 
7. The first pilot sleeveless 
Jessica Cox of Tuxon, Arizona was born without arms. Psychology graduates can write, typing, driving, combing hair, and talking on the phone using only her feet. He also used to be a former dancer and a black belt in Tae Kwon-Do martial arts. He has a driver's license indefinitely and can also fly the plane. The aircraft was driving this is one plane that does not have a certified pedal. Without rudder pedals Jessica is free to use his legs even as the arm. He takes 3 years to get his flying license and has been practicing for 89 hours, with 3 flight instructor. 
8. Guitar player no arms 
Learning to walk for most babies is too often fall. For Tony Melendez who has no arms, learning to walk is often fell to the floor right on his face, until she tried hard to able to stand with both feet firmly. It seems hard struggle is already attached to Melendez. 
He practiced strumming guitar for 7 hours a day until he could be adept at playing it. In 1987, when he was 25 years old, he played in the Pope's visit to Los Angeles, and the Pope encouraged him to continue to give hope to everyone. As a result, Melendez has traveled the world to 40 countries became a motivational speaker. 
9. Women's sleeveless fitness 
This is the woman who gave inspiration, Barbie Guerra. He lost his arm at the age of 2 years in an accident, but now he can be a great fitness model. 
10. Painters sleeveless 
This beautiful painting is one of the work of a man named Peter Longstaff, 48 years. He did not pick the arm, but drew his paintings by using his right foot. While learning to paint himself, he is also a father, coach Football, and was a pig farmer. 
Peter was born without arms defects, he learned to use his right leg as the right arm. He opened the door and turned on the lights with stands 1 foot. As a teenager, he had been a mockery some people, but he made ​​it as a struggle of life.

